Thursday, January 03, 2008

3 January Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You are too apt to procrastinate and should practice diligence and perseverance, because you are capable of greater things. You are friendly and enjoy meeting new people, and have a strong personality. The friends you make are lasting ones.
None are listed in the book, though, so don't procrastinate, look for fellow-celebrants from among these famed persons: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Richard Gridley, Lucretia Mott, Father Damien, Ned Lamont, J. R. R. Tolkien, Roger W. Straus, Jr., Maxene Andrews, Nell Rankin, Van Dyke Parks, Stephen Stills, John Paul Jones, David Atherton, Martin Galway, Michelle Stephenson, George Martin, John Sturges, Sergio Leone, Sandeep Marwah, Ray Milland, John Russell, Bill Travers, Robert Loggia, Dabney Coleman, John Thaw, Mel Gibson, Nicholas Gonzalez, ZaSu Pitts, Josephine Hull, Betty Furness, Victoria Principal, Danica McKellar, Bobby Hull, Vic Grimes, Eli Manning,
and Victor Borge.

Happy Birthday. From everybody.

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