Friday, November 02, 2007

2 November Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You are bold and ambitious, and have high ideals. You are very positive in your ideas and make an enemy rather than make any compromise. You are critical and very relentless in your punishments of wrong. Your mate ill have to be tactful and have great understanding to make your home happy.
Go ahead, be ambitious! Celebrate along with Glenda L. Zimmerman 1943 and Carole D. Huston 1946, as well as these others, today's birthday babies: Nelly, k. d. lang, Stefanie Powers, Pat Buchanan, Ray Walston, Burt Lancaster, Warren G. Harding, James K. Polk, Marie Antoinette, and Daniel Boone.

And Maxine Nightingale.

Who's a pretty bird?

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