Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Fridays Klips: Maus takes the keys

My column is posted (all right. I confess, it's Maus who wrote it, as I promised yesterday). Maus takes the time to explain a large part of why I'm not home much this week:
My name is Athena, but I'm known as Maus. I’m the new cat in the haus. I used to live in a garden, but now I’m indoors. I’m writing this week because the old lady who feeds me (and the other, less important cats, too), is very busy doing stuff outside, this week, and can’t do her own work. She says it’s Warren County Prime Beef Festival week, whatever that means. She says that Warren County is the heart of the country, as far as she is concerned, and that she loves to celebrate it every chance she can get. So she goes out, and she leaves me with these other two cats, and the big, yucky, drooly dog.
My apologies if anybody was looking for substance this time (or, for that matter, any time you go away from my blogs disappointed). Maus is young, though, and has a limited attention span. If you want to go for the mental jugular on a given topic (and not get physically clawed up too much in return), please have patience until my return, or seek me out somewhere near the big tents. I'm always up for a good bicker.

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