Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Friday's Klips: Clap Hands, Here Comes Deadly

My column, Clap Hands, Here Comes Deadly, is posted at its usual place. I write, this week, about what's on virtually everybody's lips... the reception at Columbia U for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the current head of Iran, has come to New York to speak to the public. Initially, he was to simply address the United Nations on the opening of their new session, but somebody in a civilian position of authority or two thought it would be nice to allow him an opportunity to propagandize outside Turtle Bay. They invited him to speak via teleconference to the Press Conference in Washington, D.C., and, worse, to speak live and in person to the malleable students at Columbia University. I find this troubling, as it is both foolish and dangerous to give credibility to liars, murderers, and their supporters by offering them so bully a pulpit.
In case you hadn't already figured it out, I'm agin givin' the guy an ear, when he's likely to steal it, or just lie into it, anyway.

But what bothers me most is that there are still so many folks who think he's a dandy fellow and that our own administration could/should follow his example. The lack of reason frightens me.

Anyway, read the column, if you please.

1 comment:

pathickey said...

I was blessed to get a bootleg of the Persia Outlaw's show at the UN -