Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter wishes

For the faithful
Postcard:  Gods Peace to you

and the secular
Postcard: Easter Greetings Girl

I wasn't raised in a religious environment. Just about the only "regular" time I went to church was when we visited the farm where Mom grew up, and Grandma Helen (technically, our great aunt) made us dress up and attend Easter services at the Methodist Church in Minooka, IL. I don't have clear memories of the services themselves, or even of the day being particularly holy to us. What I do recall is that it was always a time to refresh the spirit. And I always felt surrounded by people who loved me, who therefore would do anything, make any sacrifice for me.

After the misery of winter, we'd take a long drive from our home down here on the other side of the state, and the weekend with family and friends and quiet, reserved happiness gave us something magnificent to carry home with us. It didn't exactly require faith in something huge -- just acceptance of the love of those who did have that faith, and enjoyment in the company of family.

I'm still agnostic. I still don't have any answers to the ultimate question of the universe ("42" notwithstanding). But what I do know is, this weekend is a time to appreciate the gift of love in all its forms.

So, whether you believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God or not, have a happy Easter. Share the love.

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