After I watched the President's speech last night, I'm beginning to think the White House has actually started paying attention to polls, and the POTUS is getting ready to level a few neighborhoods in and around Baghdad.
Gateway Pundit has some nice stuff, too. And, he points out that, with Saddam gone, Iraq's economy is improving. That's one successful "surge" in Iraq... and one more to go.
As a follow-up, it seems, Condi Rice kicks butt.
Update: I've often wondered what it is that the Dems think they're accomplishing by kvetching nonstop, never offering any reasonable alternatives to the plans put forth by the Prez. I mean, Harry Reid, for example, spends hour upon hour of media time shrilly proclaiming that the President's plan is wrong, and, when asked how he would solve the problem of terrorism and Iraq, he says, in essence, "that's not my job, man!" In that, he's right. Foreign policy is the job of the Executive branch. But, if he's so sure he has all the answers, why doesn't he offer a few to the POTUS, just as a basic courtesy as an American citizen? He criticizes everything, and offers no useful advice. Can it possibly be that Reid has no plan except the nasty mother-in-law approach?
The plan, as I read it, is fairly simple: We're the hired help, there to clean house. We've been washing the floors constantly, and the animals keep tracking muck all over the house after we finish. Now, we send in a few extra troops to block the doors so the animals can't come back in, and they help scrub the dark corners. Plus, we get the homeowner trained to (a) keep the animals out on days when we're not coming in, and (b) clean up for themselves, so our services will soon be no longer required.
In theory, it could work. As long as the homeowners don't let in the neighbors to start peeing on the rugs.
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