First, there is the problem he seems to repeatedly have with the upstairs bathroom, where, after he enters to check out his new territory (I wonder if, maybe, we need to apply some of that Febreze stuff, or something?), the door swings shut behind him and latches him in.
He's not very good with doorknobs, especially on doors which open inward.
So, poor Clyde has gotten himself locked in the upstairs bathroom three times since his arrival here on December 30. It's enough to put serious stress on a furry fellow.
Add to that, last week he finally met all (well, most, really) of the kids who live next door to him. That household has a half-dozen young'uns, I think. There may be more, or maybe one less. Some days, it looks as though that family is taking that "be fruitful" thing very seriously, and they're on their way to repopulating this town all by themselves.
No complaints from here, mind you. The kids are all really nice and pretty smart. But there is a serious sense of chaos over in their yard, some weekend days, when the kids have their friends over to play. It gets especially wild when their dogs work their way out from behind the fence. The neighbor dogs are ill-mannered and not terribly bright. They bark for no apparent reason, and one of their little mangy curs is aggressive, and will bite, given the opportunity.
One would think that, having a pair of dogs who leap and bound about, and occasionally nip at people, these kids would not be interested in meeting more dogs.
But the little ones seem fascinated by Clyde, with his calm, quiet demeanor.
Fascinated, but not sure what to think of him.

And it looks as though the feeling is mutual.
For more critters, don't forget, on Fridays, to visit Modulator, for Friday Ark (this week, it's #122).
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