Thursday, December 14, 2006

McCain's good intentions paving way to hell again

Senator McCain, in trying to stop campaign corruption with his Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), helped to create a much messier, more corrupt system -- one which put power into the hands of the likes of Soros and Abrams.

He's at it again, this time on the case of internet porn. The man obviously means well. But he's a jackass.

I don't like people who use and abuse kids -- especially sexual abuses -- any more than McCain does. But he's trying to draft a law to prosecute people who don't do anything, and the law (at least, according to law prof Glenn Reynolds) is so vague that individual bloggers could be jailed if they don't report an offhand comment made on one of their blogsites.

When will John McCain grow up and stop trying to use the law to destroy the Constitution?

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