Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sometimes it hurts to be a woman

Laura W at Ace of Spades HQ posts a problem somewhat solvable and those who whine abaout the solution. First, women who drink heavily run higher risk of being raped than women who don't get plastered. Naturally, a police chief in Scotland points out that if women were to reduce their drinking, they could reduce their risk of rape.

'Nuff said?


The PC crowd whines: "Women should be able to drink and not worry about being raped."

People should be able to play in the middle of the Eisenhower Expressway and not have to worry about getting run over. But reality runs counter to that.

If some dim bulb female has decided she wants to acquire liquid stupidity, she's putting herself at risk already: accident, liver failure, bleeding ulcers, exacerbated -- perhaps permanent -- brain damage all may come with the territory. Add that liquid stupidity in the presence of stupid, half-drunk males whose inhibitions are also diminished due to alcoholic consumption, and you have... potential criminal actions, and guaranteed baseline pinheaditude.

Solutions are many:
(1) Don't get falling-down stupid.
(2) If you must get falling-down stupid, do so in the privacy of your own home.
(3) If home-based stupidity isn't an option, and you absolutely must get falling-down stupid in public, make sure you have somebody you can trust to (a) drive you home and (b) chase away those baying wolves. If a guy is worth picking up, he's worth waiting until you're both sober. If he doesn't want to wait, he's not worth picking up, and your trusted friend will know that.
(4) If you can't find somebody you genuinely can trust to protect you while you're falling-down stupid, don't get falling-down stupid. You're likely to end up with a Kennedy, and God knows what that will bring you.
(5) Don't get falling-down stupid.
(6) Get yourself a chastity belt and leave the key in a safe deposit box in a non-24-hour bank. I hear pain is fashionable, these days.
(7) Just don't get falling-down stupid.

Moderation is more fun, anyway. You'll be able to remember his name in the morning, and you may not even cringe in horror.

Of course, even if you do get falling-down stupid, there's a very good chance you'll recover the next day. Unless you're part of the PC crowd. Then those brain cells are long gone.

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