Thursday, June 22, 2006

Moral relativism rears its ugly head again

Mike Luckovich has created an egregius exemplum.

Didn't I just say something about this?

Ya know, I'd be outraged, if I hadn't already expected some jackass to come up with this sort of comparison. The left is so damnedly predictable, these days. It's largely why nobody takes them seriously when they talk about doing the right thing. Somebody on the Left may actually come up with a good idea, (don't laugh, now! It could happen) and nobody would pay heed, because... well... consider the source.

Wrong on WMD. Wrong on Saddam (he was funding terrorists and terrorism against us, and he had declared war upon us long ago, without ever agreeing to a truce). Wrong on Terrorists (they've been trying to kill us for a lot longer than Bush has been POTUS). Wrong on Israel (they have a working democracy surrounded by dangerous despots). Wrong on Hamas. Wrong on Venezuela (the elections were crooked, Mistah Cahtah). Wrong on free speech (it's supposed to be for everybody, not just those with thin skins). Wrong on Affirmative Action (it has encouraged the culture of victimhood, not a culture of self-improvement). Wrong on Freedom of religion (It's not "freedom from religion," guys!). Wrong on the merits of socialism over capitalism (see: current and anticipated quality of life in Vietnam, India, Great Britain, vs. Russia, China, NoKo, France...)

So, now they're wrong about whether or not the Great Satan is as eeeeevil as bin Laden's minions. I hate to break it to you, Luckovich et al, but torture, mayhem, rape and murder of innocents are right at the top of the agenda for alQ. Where does the evidence say it stands with us? Do we encourage it? Is it even tolerated by the majority of the people of this country, let alone encouraged by the majority of our leaders? Also, do we execute people or condone executions of people for the crime of simply believing something other than what we believe? If you say yes to any of this, please show primary sources for documentation, so the media might actually have an excuse for their daily tantrums.

Now, Let us ask the People of Iraq how unhappy they are that we meddled in their lives. How happy d'you think they'd be with alQ running the show? How happy, for example, were the Kurds under Saddam?

So, my lefty friends, how does one defend the indefensible?

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