Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Transparency Bill comes up for vote in Senate

The news & links are at Captain's Quarters, that, at long last, Sen. Coburn has found a few allies (including, of all people, John McCain and Barack Obama) in his struggle to give the voting taxpayers back control of the purse strings. They're pressing for the legislature to make available every iota of information on where the money is going (i.e. instant publishing of earmarks).

When S.2590 – the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act – comes up for the vote, check to see who votes in favor of it, and who's against. It will be a fair indicator as to whether or not the senator has your interests at heart.

I'm comfortable in the knowledge that at least one man from my state (IL) is on this one. Now, if only I could trust him on other important issues, like immigration, "slavery reparations", and such... But then, his roots are as a Chicago Democrat, so I should be happy we get this much good out of him.

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