Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Michelle Malkin has linked a nice piece on another True American, with GENO'S SAYS: SPEAK ENGLISH. 2nd-generation American (grandparents from Italy) Joseph Vento, manager/owner of Philadephia's renowned cheesesteak emporium, Geno's Steaks, has posted signs saying "This is America. When Ordering, Speak English."
"If you can't tell me what you want, I can't serve you," he said. "It's up to you. If you can't read, if you can't say the word cheese, how can I communicate with you - and why should I have to bend?"

He also drives his hummer around South Philly playing messages over a loudspeaker, speaking out against hiring illegal immigrants.

I'm seriously liking this guy. He makes me proud to be of mostly immigrant stock.

And now I'm all hungry. I wonder if Mom will spring for a round-trip train ticket to Philly for a good Philly steak sandwich or two? It would be worth the trip, even without the Cheese Whiz. (Malkin's post has tasty-lookin' pix, too.)

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