Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Darned good thing I don't do drugs

If I were chemimcally altered, I'd have real trouble looking at my own words on this site.

Blogger seems to be doing strange things to me, today, and I'm not sure what to do about them, since I'm in no wise a cybergeek. I keep seeing a deleted post showing up right below the corrected one -- and the first was one that the system said wouldn't go through becauseI'd goofed up the html on it. So, theoretically, it shouldn't exist in the first place. Hmmmph.

So, it tells me it won't post, then it posts me twice, and then when I delete it, it stays on the board, so I go back and rebuild and re-delete, and it's still there half an hour later...

update: now it's gone.

I do believe in ghosts, I do I do I do...

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