Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No snow, big worry (but not for me)

This March-weather-in-January thing has cause some cities and resorts in Illinois to be shutting down winter events. This can seriously affect revenues for some communities, since they depend upon things like snow-sculpting contests and snowshoe tours to keep tourism going in the dead of winter. It's really hard to snowshoe across mud, and sculpting with near-frozen mud somehow lacks the esthetic charm of a work in snow. And, the Quad Cities had fewer Bald Eagles attend their Bald Eagle Days events, so I guess they got fewer dollars... hmmm.

Still, I think I won't be kvetching, myself. I only had to shovel my walk once so far this winter, and I did the bulk of it with my big fat boots (hey, it's good resistance therapy for the bum knee) while the cats played with the handle to the actual shovel. Plus, there have been a few days when I haven't felt as though I'm sending the gas company a piece of my soul in exchange for keeping my house as warm as 58 degrees F. I rather like this weather.

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