Saturday, November 12, 2005

Symbol of Promise

Across From the Folks', originally uploaded by leucanthemum b.

As the first rainstorm was passing to the northeast of here, I noticed the sun burst through the rain, so I went out to gawk at the sky again. This double rainbow, and the cruciform shadow of the telephone pole on the house, could almost make a believer out of me, today. At the very least, I'll take it as a good omen.

It's been a lovely, balmy 56 degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon, despite the showers, so I've tried to take in as much of the day as possible in the out-of-doors. I hope your day has been pleasant, and I hope to see a few of you tonight at the Monmouth Civic Orchestra concert on campus. All the finest people will be there. And so will I.

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