Monday, April 25, 2005

Vote reform strikes again

Reading Illini Pundit's blog, this article was brought to my attention. How is it that these people can continue to govern, with the lack of rational thought that they continue to display?

It seems to me, if the Democrats and the ACLU and the rest of the "blacks and seniors are too poor or too stupid to get proper ID" crowd wanted to make certain that this was absolutely fair as well as safe, they should simply provide legislation that all standard state identification cards (non-driver's license) should be FREE to the legal citizens of their states. They'll no doubt jack up taxes on something, anyway, so why not figure out state or federal funding to provide, say, the underemployed like me, with a way to get ID, and at the same time secure our voting systems against one major form of fraud? We are issued voter registration cards to begin with, here in IL. Doesn't it make sense to make it a photo ID? As long as we have "motor voter", where's the hardship? Simply take the mailed-to-you registration "voucher" to your nearest Driver's License Bureau (or, knowing the way politicians like Blagojevich,et al, do things, the whole new bureau funded and staffed for just this purpose) and ask them to finalize the process with a tax-paid-for, laminated, secured card...

Oh, wait. That would require that people get out of their living rooms and become proactive on something other than anti-war protests, tree-hugging, and name-calling. That's FAR too much to expect of the Democratic Party's constituency.

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