Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Have they discovered their "Mein Kampf" author, yet?

George Soros scares me more every day. Creepy rich atheists with ostensibly socialist agendas, such as described in this article at FrontPage, put me in mind of 1930s Germany FAR too easily.

According to several reports (albeit somewhat questionable in their sources, nonetheless, if true, this could be dangerous, also), he has also put forth a plan to rewrite the US Constitution, since the one we have now is apparently too elitist and supports an anti-socialist structure...He's even held a symposium, with a bunch of leftist Yalie profs to draft the new plan for our country. (I wonder if he's pushing for the non-natural-born citizen restriction on the presidency to be lifted, so he can try for that office? Or is he strictly a puppet master?)

If he's so bent on socialism, why doesn't he voluntarily give all his filthy lucre to the government, so we can have a national health program? He alone ought to be able to pay for the first five years!

Plus, he has bought the passing, already, of one unconstitutional law to restrict free speech (BCRA, or McCain-Feingold), which he immediately did an end-run around (with his "527",, in the hopes of buying his own puppet for the White House...

Add to it that Soros is already established, by a FRENCH court, as a crookwho seems willing to do whatever it takes to further his personal agenda, and my little frisson becomes a chill to the bone.

And he has the gall to accuse President Bush of being the next Hitler?!

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