Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Follow-up to Mike Adams's Monmouth visit

Mike has gone public with his take, posted here at Town Hall,on the visit he made to our little Monmouth College a week ago.

While the references he made to Professor Haq's statements are accurate, in that she was angry, disruptive, and largely incoherent, he could have taken the high road and not gone to name-calling. "[S]haking like a blind transvestite at a weenie roast", "Professor Farhat Haq (sounds like Far-left Crock)", and such should be beneath anybody whose purported goal is to get, as he stated in his speech to the students, "Democrats and Republicans to work together for the free flow of ideas".

He made good arguments in his speech. He ought to try to live up to his words.

Both Professor Haq and Dr. Adams owe each other apologies for rudeness, now.

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